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Lotteries in China.

Almost every lottery fan dreams of winning and receiving a multi-million dollar prize. However, in this business just to have a desire to win is not enough, since the lottery is a set of circumstances and a clear mathematical calculation.

Many people try to play lottery, but how many of those who won really large prizes? People that are gambling less abandon this venture after one or two unsuccessful attempts; the others keep on playing for years, slowly and confidently moving forward towards the cherished goal.

In 2012, a special research institute was opened in Beijing to the study the gambling. The motive for creating this institution is simple - it is in China that lotteries originated and it is quite obvious that they decided to research this industry. The institute is not looking for the winning algorithm, it studies lotteries as a sphere that will attract additional funds to the budget and will play a positive role in the development of the country's economy.

This institute was opened at Beijing Pedagogical University. The researchers are working on the following tasks:

1. Study of internal and external market of lottery;
2. Training the proficient managers for this sphere;
3. Popularization of the benefits of lotteries among the population.

With the proper organization of the advertising campaign, the number of players and therefore the state-attracted money will grow significantly. Based on the experience of other countries and their mistakes and also taking into account the mindset of the people of China, the institute is developing the concept of promoting lottery. To fully understand the processes in depth, the history of lotteries will be studied first.

For the first time in China, lotteries appeared in the 2nd century AD - this is where the popular KENO game originated. From legends that have survived to our time, it is known that the Chinese ruler Cheng Lin came up with this idea of the game in order to raise funds for financing his troops and campaigns. Not everybody did pay voluntary military tax and with the help of draws he was able to collect the necessary amount quickly. New entertainment got popular among people and quickly won a huge audience of players.

The difference with the modern game was – instead of numbers then there were used 120 hieroglyphs. From some sources that have survived to our time, it became known fact that the Great Wall of China was built at the expense of lottery money.

In the Western countries, the lottery spread due to the migration of the Chinese. Hieroglyphs were not understood in many other countries, so numbers replaced them and the number count was reduced from 120 to 80.

As for the funds that are circulating in this area, China is one of the world leaders. For example in 2011 there were sold tickets worth more than 220 billion Yuan, which is equivalent to 35 billion dollars. The profits went to finance the payment of social benefits. However, such indicators are not the limit for the Chinese authorities. In their opinion, this is only the beginning of the prosperity of modern lotteries and their full potential will be revealed in the next few years thanks to the results of the research of the new dedicated institute.

In China lotteries are used to solve some socially important issues. So for example, with a significant increase in the number of cars in Beijing it was decided to have monthly raffle with a state number plates. The catch is that anyone who wants to buy a car must first win the number and it's not so simple. A total of 20,000 numbers are played each month, but the number of applicants for them is constantly increasing. As far as it is fair, but it is a forced measure in a densely populated metropolis and it gives the expected effect. This is a good experience, which should be adopted in other major cities, because it is really an effective tool for a peaceful solution to the existing problem.

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