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How the lottery came to life in Europe.

Approximately in 1515 in the Italian city of Genoa were held elections to the Great Council of the City, where by voting people had to elect from 90 candidates who claimed this post. To select 5 of those 90, there was a special draw.

Without relying on historical facts, we will give an example from the book "Lottery in Babylon" by Jorge Luis Borges. Despite the fact that this work is a fiction it is very interesting occasion. The fact is interesting because the simple lottery has turned from entertainment into the fundamental principle of both society and each individual person.

The French king named Francis signed a decree on the organization of lotteries in France, due to the fact that the state treasury was almost empty and the state needed to find additional funds.
In the largest cities including Paris, lottery wheels were pre-arranged for the current lottery barrels with balls, from which people pulled out ready-made tickets.

In Italy from 1863 national lotteries have been held on the regular basis, they did not stop since that time.
In England, the state holds lotteries from the distant 1559 - this was the first year of the reign of Elizabeth I. At that time England as well as France suffered financial problems and the treasury was empty.

In the first year about 40,000 lottery tickets were issued and the winners received various prizes. Revenues from the implementation of the lottery went to the construction of harbours and the development of the navy, as well as to other needs of the state.

Lotteries in England were held until 1825, but under pressure from Parliament the authorities had to stop them. London was built on the earnings from that lottery - dozens of bridges across the River Thames, the London Aqueduct, the National Museum of Britain and many other important sites.

In Spain King Charles brought the lottery to life. In the winter of 1763 occurred the first draw of the national lottery La Primitiva. This lottery is running to this day even without changing the name.

In Ireland, state lotteries came much later. The first draws were held in 1930 and quickly became popular with the local people, also among Irish immigrants in the US and Canada.

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